Tina GonzÁlez
Therapist & Founder

CA LMFT No. 110005
Certified EMDR Therapist
Pronouns: She/Her Ella
Specializing in:
First Generation Professional WoC
Childhood Sexual Abuse
In-Person & Telehealth Services
Accepting New Clients: No
Reduced Rate: Limited Availability
Insurance: Yes &
"Superbill" for PPO Plans
Fee: $175
Who I Am
I'm Tina. I'm a native Angeleña, daughter of Mexican immigrants and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I'm also a wounded healer and a student of self compassion. On a lighter side, I enjoy a nice warm beverage (coffee, tea or hot chocolate) any time of day. I'm an old soul and a creative. I feel at home in nature and love going on long neighborhood walks with my husband and our dogs.
Who I work with
I work with people who've been through it: pain, challenges, and struggles. Many of my clients feel stuck, unmotivated, and overwhelmed and are really just trying to figure out how to stop being held back by life. Sometimes it's something that shouldn't be a big deal, but it is: like the way someone said something to you or like that feeling that no matter how hard to try you still can't be that perfect child that you were supposed to be, or even how much "normal" life changes can shake you up. I also work with people who been through some really hard things like fearing and enduring pain from an abusive caregiver as a child or living with the pain of having been sexually abused. One thing that all my clients have in common is that they want the fear, the self-doubt, the worries, and the physical fatigue and pain to stop and live the lives they have always wanted to live.
My Approach

I see people as seekers instead of broken spirits in need of repair or even as a diagnosis. I think we're all just trying to find our way. I truly believe that people must be met where they are and at their own pace in order to honor and respect their unique journey and their healing process. I believe that it is important to address mental health at the intersection of spirituality and culture as it impacts who we are and our overall well-being. I work from a person-centered and strengths-based approach: in short, you're the expert in your life, not me. My role is to create a safe space in which we work together to set roots for the healing process. We'll work together to figure out what works for you. I'll help you challenge your false beliefs about yourself to create a meaningful life story. Technically, my therapeutic work is informed by Psychodynamic Theory and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I also work with you to bring in the words, images, sounds, rituals, and thoughts of personal and cultural ancestors and our everyday world to support you in becoming more wholly you.