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Things to Keep You Flor Y Siendo in March 2023

This book is a gift! It explores the connection to self and ancestors, going against the grain and finding your own medicine. It still brings just as much healing as it did when I first read it as a 9th grader.

This is a movie, I waited to see. If you've ever experienced anticipatory grief, you'll understand why. Seeing a loved

one get sick and all the familial conflict that can come along

with it when everyone thinks they know better is a challenging combination, to say the least. This film depicts a sincere image of what can happen in one family. Of course, anticipatory grief can look many different ways.

The validation of Joy Oladukun's lyrics in her song "Look Up" has been one that I have been journeying with these days, I hope that it can heal and accompany you as well:

"Sometimes your life feels like a broken rollercoaster

A thousand useless moving parts

Look up

Do you see the sunlight?

Look up

There's flowers in your hair

Hold on

'Cause somebody loves you"

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